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ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ samnampharm
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏÀÚ 2019-05-01
Á¶È¸¼ö 6358

MAGMIL (tablet)

[General description]
MAGMIL, acts as an antacid, Soft lavxatives and was mild anti-inflammatory
So, MAGMIL is effective in gastric hyperacidity, gastricis, and gastric and duodenal
ulcers. Especially, the promineut effect of MAGMIL is to relive constipation and normalize bowel activites.
MAGMIL is well know gastro-entestinal in many countries, for example, the brand name in U.S.A is Milk of Magnesia and in Japan, Milmag.

[Ingredient and content] Each Tablets Contains
Magnesium hydroxide (USP)..............................................500mg

1. Antacid action :
MAGMIL exists in mildly alkaline-colloidal state, and does not dissolves in water, however in stomach in vivo, in the presence of gastric juice, MAGMIL dissolves rapidly to neutralige the gastric juice.
More over, MAGMIL does not produce carbon dioxide ( in case of sodium bicarbonate, it produces carbon dioxide to iritate gastric wall ).
2. Laxative action :
MAGMIL inhibits water absorption from bowel wall, and promotes reabsorption from human body to bowel content human the result of this action is that the water proportion in bowel content increases.
So, MAGMIL acts as a soft and sileut laxatives.
The additional benefit is that MAGMIL does nat produce lower.
abdominal pain or vague not abdominal falluess, because MAGMIL does not irritate bowel mucosa.
3. Anti-inflamatory action bowel mucosa.
MAGMIL has local mucosal coating activily to perforar anti-inflammatory effect in gastrifis and esophagitis.

[Usage and dosage]
As antacid, Adults : 0.5 - 0.75mg/time
8 - 15 years : 1/2 of adult dosage
5 - 7 years : 1/3 of adult dosage
3 - 4 years : 1/6 of adult dosage
2 years : 1/10 of adult dasage

[Guide to take MAGMIL]
1. usually take MAGMIL with a cup of glass.
Especially when using for laxative action, drinking more water would be better.
2. After defecation, much water will be excreted with feces, So you may drink suffient water after evacuation the bowel.

1. Gadtric and drodeual alcers
Gastrics and esophagitis
2. Constipation

[Stoage] Store after fasten tightly

[Duration of usage] 3 year after the production

[Package] 36, 200, 1000, 3000 Tab/bt

99-1 Sang Ri, Keum San Eup, Keum San Koon, Choong Nam, Korea
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